
Monday, May 20, 2013

Lucky Edwin

Here's the card I made for my brother 40th birthday.  When we were little, around Christmas time, we would always watch Lucky Luke and Astérix et Obélix.  I thought it would make the perfect card.
Voici la carte de fête de 40 ans pour mon frère.  Quand on était petit, durant le temps des Fêtes, on écoutait toujours Lucky Luke et Astérix et Obélix.  Je crois que c'est la carte parfaite pour lui.
I wanted the image to pop so I didn't add too much.  The patterned paper is a map which fits great with the theme.  I had a sheet with a playing card but only the "4".  It's not the same, but I handmade the "10" to celebrate his forty years old.  To finish, I added a revolver charm.
Je voulais que l'image ressorte, je n'ai donc pas ajouté grand chose.  Le papier à motif est une carte géographique qui est merveilleuse pour le thème que j'ai choisi.  J'avais déjà la carte à jouer avec le quatre de carreau mais il me fallait aussi le dix pour célébrer le quarantième de mon frère.  Ce n'est pas une réussite, mais j'ai fait l'autre carte à la main.  Pour finir, j'ai ajouté un charme révolver.
I coloured Lucky Edwin and the Golden Creek background with Copics.  I was inspired by this image:
J'ai colorié Lucky Edwin et la ville avec mes Copics.  Je me suis inspiré de cette image:
Peau/Skin E13-11-00-000-R02, Noir/Black C9-7-5-3, Fusils/Guns C7-5-3-1, Blanc C3-1-00-CB, Foulard/Scarf R59-29-24-22, Jeans B99-97-95-93-91, Bottes/Boots E37-35-34-31, Chemise/Shirt Y15-13-11-000, Édifice/Buildings W5-YR18-14-15-12-82, Ciel/Sky Y38-35-15-13-000, Nuage/Clouds W5-3-1-00.

I hope he will like his card!
J'espère qu'il va aimer sa carte!

For the challenges/Pour les défis:
Tilda Town:  background image
Simply Magnolia:  Edwin only
One Stop Craft Challenge:  anything goes
Magnolia-licious:  Ways 2 weather it (sunset).



  1. Wow, how cool is this lucky Edwin. Brigitte you've done a superb job on this birthday card using the Lucky Luke inspiration. And the playing cards are a fabulous idea.

  2. Love your cute Edwin card.

  3. Super card for a male. Love the scene you've created.
    Hugs, Janine xx

  4. Super cute card you have created. Thanks for joining us at Tilda's Town for our challenge
    hugs Louise

  5. J'aime bien les couleurs vives que tu as reproduit comme sur le livre original. Tu as bien réussi ta carte du 10 de carreaux et je suis sûr que ton frère va l'aimer.
    Patricia xx

  6. c'est trop trop beau! j'adore cette scène et les couleurs waouh on s'y croirait! une vraie réussite bravo! et j'adore tes embellissements (carte et charm!)
    ps et merci de participer à tilda's town

  7. Hi Brigitte,

    I love your coloration on the image! The bright orange and yellow behind Edwin is perfect for contrasting the colors you used on him! I love it! You did a wonderful job! Thank you for sharing it with us at the Magnolia-licious/Wee Stamps Challenge Blog!


  8. Oh my!! this is such a superb card, your image and colouring are fab!
    Love, Mel. xxx

  9. Hi,
    Oh this is so stunning!!!!
    Its really amazing.
    Thanks for joining us at Simply Magnolia.

    Hugs Anja

  10. Stunning card Brigitte, your colouring is so fab, love the bright bold colours fairly makes your image pop. Carolxx

  11. Ooh, I love Asterix et Obelix too. This card is fabulous, Brigitte. The image is perfect for a male card. I'm sure your brother will love it. Awesome colouring job and terrific embellishments.
    Thanks for coming over to play with us at Magnolia-licious and Wee Stamps Challenge.

  12. Stunning Edwin card Brigitte. I love the way you've tried to make it look like Lucky Luke. Thanks for sharing at Simply Magnolia.

    XX Inge

  13. This is gorgeous Brigitte!!
    Love how you used that picture for inspiration!!
    Your colouring is amazing!!!!
    Thanks for playing with us at Tilda's Town this week!!
    Hugs, Tina

  14. coudonc... j'étais vraiment MIA... j'ai raté celle ci aussi. bien que j'avais eu le plaisir de la voir avant. C'est à mon papa que cette carte me fait penser. Il était un fan de Lucky luke, quelle inspiration ! et surtout quel talent! tout est magnifique. bises. xox

  15. Brilliant card, Thanks for joining us at Tilda's Town this week.
    Teresa :o)

  16. This is so perfect Brigitte, I love your sunset theme and this amazing Edwin is so perfect for many different occasions. Thank you so much for joining us over at Magnolia-licious/Wee Stamps with your fabulous creation. Good luck!
    Suzi x

  17. This is great!
    Thanks for joining us at Simply Magnolia.
    Hugs Karin

  18. LOVE IT!!! The colors are great!!! Love how you found the inspriration!!
    hugs, Janiel

  19. WOW...your card is your colouring :0)))

    Thanks for joining us at Simply Magnolia ;0)

    Hugs Nicole


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte