
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Book card Clown at Totally Tilda

It's Sunday and time for a new challenge at Totally Tilda.  This forthnight, we want to see:
More than one fold
So put your thinking cap on and join us!
C'est dimanche et  le temps pour un nouveau défi chez Totally Tilda.  Cette fois-ci,  on veut voir:
Plus d'un pli
Creusez vous les méninges et joinez vous à nous!
I made once again one of those book cards.  I just love how pretty they look!  I made the binding out of leatherette.  I wanted to use twine but didn't have the right colours.  So I went and made it myself!!!  I airbrushed the feathers and coloured the ribbon with Copics.  I added some LOTV tags, a bit of film strip and put Frantage embossing enamel everywhere!
J'ai encore fait un de ces livres/cartes.  Je les trouve si jolies!  J'ai fait la reliure avec de la cuirette.  Je voulais utiliser de la corde mais je n'avais pas les bonnes couleurs.  Je me suis débrouillée et j'en ai fait!!!  J'ai vaporisé les plumes et colorié le ruban avec mes Copics.  J'ai ajouté des étiquettes de LOTV, un petit morceau de film et j'ai mis de la poudre à embosser un peu partout!
I coloured Clown Tilda with Copics and added Stickles for sparkle.   I put a little tiny red pompom for her nose!  She looks so cute!
J'ai colorié Tilda en clown avec mes Copics et j'ai ajouté du Stickles.  J'ai mis un petit pompom rouge pour son nez!  Elle est si adorable!

Peau/Skin E13-11-00-000-C3-1-00-CB-R11-20, Cheveux/Hair E18-19-08-02, Vert/Green YG67-63-61-G20, Mauve/Purple BV17-04-02-000-0000.
I made the button with a mould and some Sculpey clay.  I finished with a cupcake charm.
J'ai fait le bouton avec un moule et de l'argile Sculpey.  J'ai fini par un charme en petit gateau.
I made the cameo once again with a mould and clay.  I airbrushed it and put a punched tiger.  I thought it fit with the circus theme, lol!!!  I added some gems to complete it all.
J'ai fait la décoration avec un autre moule et de l'argile.  Je l'ai vaporisé et puis j'ai mis un tigre.  Je trouvais que ça allait avec le thème de cirque.  J'ai ajouté des pierres pour completer le tout.
Another picture of the front.
Une autre photo du devant.

Our sponsor/Notre commanditaire

For the challenge/Pour le défi:
Color Me Creative:  anything goes
One Stop Craft Challenge:  anything goes.



  1. Fantastic book card. I love the leatherette binding it makes it look like such an old book. The white clown face is a lovely touch, she looks super.
    Hugs, Janine xx

  2. oh la la quel beau projet! une merveille! j'aime beaucoup les couleurs et le design. Je vois que toi aussi tu as craqué pour ces nouvelles poudres à embosser...
    Bravo c'est super!

  3. WOW...your book card ist just fantastic...fab colouring and the design is wonderful :0)))

    Have a nice Sunday ;0)

    Hugs Nicole

  4. Hi Brigitte this sweet Tilda clown creation is a piece of genius stunning colouring love the added feathers & matching DP..clever take on the TT chall theme.

    smiles mummy Tildarette xx

  5. Your book card is gorgeous....superb coloring and look at that beautiful cameo...WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing work, Brigitte!!!!! BRAVO!!!!

  6. Ooooh Brigitte your work looks fantastic!!!
    You're right, book cards look pretty but yours is more than pretty... the image and all the details are little jewels and I think they takes to you a lot of time for making!!! :)

    Have a nice day!
    Huge hugs
    Cinzia x

  7. Such a superb book card Brigitte, it looks realistic. I love the color combo, perfect for the clown Tilda. Have a great weekend.

  8. O wow Brigitte, your book card is awesome with al those nice deatails and Tilda looks so cute with the little red pompom. Of course your colouring is fab as always :)

    Hugs, Sam

  9. Wow belle carte et j'adore Tilda en clown. Belle idee aussi le livre, c'est original. Tout est beau comme toujours.
    Je t'embrasse,
    Patricia xx

  10. This is amazing Brigitte, I love the spine of your book and of course that oh so cute clown Tilda. Amazing creation hon.
    Suzi x

  11. Hello my friend. What an absolutely gorgeous creation!!

    I love the image and how you've coloured it, fantastic idea to keep her face white too.

    You seem to be going totally artsy with all these little wonderful handcrafted embellishments.
    You go girl! Talk about give a girl some inspiration, perhaps I just might get back to the craft table, thanks :)S

  12. C'est adorable Brigitte, j'aime tellement comment tu as embossé les coins, et l'image. les acc essoires sont tous si bien choisis, et le tout forme un ensemble si harmonieux. magnifique! j,adore. bises.

  13. This is amazing!! Your coloring is fabulous and the colors and design are perfect. Thanks for joining us at CMC.

  14. Hi I just love your leatherette ..and how cute is this those papers too...brilliant ;0)

  15. OMG Brigitte, your book is awesome!!! So many special details, I adore it all soooooo much lol! Tilda is coloured exquisitely and I love the little red pompom - it suits her perfectly!
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  16. I love the book card it's so pretty & colourful the thing is when you have made one you just have to make more, thank you for joining us at OSCC. Janet


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte