
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer Fun and DT call at Totally Tilda*****

Hi everyone,
I'm so nervous... it's the Design Team call at Totally Tilda and I would LOVE to be picked again!!!!  I had the best time ever and don't want it to stop, lol!!!  The theme for this wonderful occasion is:
Your interpretation of Summer.
Bonjour tout le monde,
Je suis très nerveuse... chez Totally Tilda, c'est l'appel de l'équipe de design et j'adorerais être choisi de nouveau!!!  J'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir et je ne veux pas que ça finisse!  Le thème pour cette occasion merveilleuse est:
Votre interprétation de l'été.
So, for my summer fun, hubby and I like to go camping in our travel trailer.  I call it camping, but really, I think it's actually nicer that our house, lol!!!  I still have internet access (very slow) and my Copics!  We really enjoy the lake and all it's activity.  Would you believe that my husband told me it wasn't a true representation because he doesn't like to fish?  What about creative license, lol!!!
C'est le deuxième été que mon mari et moi allons en camping avec notre roulotte.  J'appelle ça du camping, mais vraiment je crois que la roulotte est plus belle que notre maison, *rire*!!!  J'ai quand même l'internet (très lent) et mes Copics!  Nous profitons du lac et de ses activités.  Pouvez vous croire que mon mari m'a dit que ce n'est pas la vérité parce qu'il ne pêche pas?  Voyons, il faut un peu de créativité tout de même!!!
It's the first time I tried to do a see through card.  I was inspired by my good friend Danielle.  She even send me the jute so I could put the last accent on!  You wouldn't believe how heavy it is!!!  There's lots of layers and I had to do a lot of masking for the images.  On the inside right panel, I stamped a lot of summer sentiment and embossed them.  I left the other side a bit bare so I can write something!
C'est la première fois que je fais une carte dont on peut voir l'intérieure.  Je me suis inspirée de ma bonne amie Danielle.  Elle m'a même envoyé la jute pour finir la dernière touche sur ma carte!  Il y a beaucoup de couches et j'ai du faire beaucoup de masquage pour les images.  À l'intérieur, j'ai estampé un paquet de sentiment d'été et je les ai embossé.  J'ai laissé l'autre côté un peu vide pour pouvoir écrire!

I coloured Tilda in Key Largo and Edwin with Copics on Neenah cardstock.  I added some Stickles to the water and Smooch Illuminate to the seashell.  I put some Frantage on the water for the reflection.  I realized there's probably no seashell in a lake, but just couldn't resist this little sweetheart!
J'ai colorié Tilda et Edwin avec mes Copics sur du carton Neenah.  J'ai ajouté du Stickles sur l'eau et du Smooch Illuminate sur le coquillage.  Je sais qu'il n'y a pas de coquillage sur un lac, mais je ne pouvais pas résister cette petite!
For this scene, I had to stamp the camper (Tilda and Edwin tours) first, then mask it, stamp the Hiking background and re-stamp only the fire!
Pour cette scène, j'ai du estampé la roulotte en premier, ensuite la masquer, estamper le fond et puis ré-estamper le feu!

Peau/Skin E13-11-00-000-93, Coquillage/Shell E44-43-42-41-40-BG72-70-RV00-000, Canne à pêche/Fishing pole E37-35-34-31, cheveux Tilda's hair E29-25-50, cheveux Edwin's hair E37-YR24-Y21-YR30, Salopette/Overalls BG75-72-70, T-shirt Y38-35-32, Robe/Dress YR18-14-15-12-00-W3-1-0-CB.
I made this with some clay that I stamped with Winter Forest stamp and then airbrushed with Copics.  I dabbed a bit of alcohol to make it look like some water got splashed on it!
J'ai fait ce morceau avec de l'argile et une estampe que j'ai ensuite airbrusher avec mes Copics.  J'ai tamponné ave un peu d'alcool pour donner l'air de gouttes d'eau!

I'm crossing my fingers, I would be so happy to be part of this wonderful team again!
Je me croise les doigts, j'aimerais faire partie de cette équipe merveilleuse encore une fois!

I would also like to participate in the following challenges:
A Creative Romance:  anything goes
Tilda Town:  anything goes



  1. Magnifique Brigitte!!! J'adore la scène, wow!! Merci d'avoir partipé à notre concours chez Tilda Town et bonne chance sur ton DT Call.

  2. Ouin, tu t'es donne a fond pour cette carte. Il y en a du travail dans tout ca. J'aime beaucoup les images et les couleurs, elles font vraiment ete.
    Bravo pour ce beau travail.
    Patricia xx

  3. Wow!!! Brigitte, this is so so fabulous, how amazing is your masking, colouring and the very fact that this is what you actually do in the summertime is just so cool. Love it my dear. Fingers crossed for the DT call.
    Suzi x

  4. Brigitte your card is just fantastic, love all the wonderful work you put into it. Good luck with your DT call.
    Mel. xxx

  5. Fabulous card Brigitte, love the image.
    Caz x

  6. So much work went into this!!! Love it...good luck to you! You are very talented and a very wonderful lady!


  7. Brigitte this is gorgeous!!!! =) And no matter what your hubby says....Edwin fishing looks just cool on this card!! ;) love it and wish you good luck!!

  8. Awww Brigitte how cute & wonderful colouring so much detail, who cares
    if hubby dosnt fish our Edwin great take on the Summer theme love it...good luck

    smiles mummy Tildarette xx

  9. Stop worrying.....this is a show stopper!!!! Beautiful scene and I love the cute Winter Forest stamp!
    Your coloring, as always, is superb.

  10. Encore une fois, c'est ravissant !

  11. Hi Wow Brigitte so many cool stamps just love the whole idea ...and I like how hubby commented on the fishing lol you will have to buy him a fishing rod !!..I just love the trailer and the background and your little tile with the trees is so unique...Good Luck fingers and toes crossed for you ;0)

  12. dur dur quand on doit se représenter... je croise les doigts pour toi tu le mérites! cette carte est magnifique et quel boulot réalisé!!!!!!!!!!! Je suis en admiration sur le design, le masking et la colorisation évidemment
    et merci de participer à Tilda's town

  13. Absolutely FABULOUS!!!! I love all your images together...such a fabulous scene! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Tilda's Town! Good luck and I hope to see you back Friday for a new challenge!
    Rene :D

  14. Oh wow this is so much more than a card !! It's wonderful Brigette, it must have taken you some time to do all that wonderful colouring and fancy cutting.
    No need to be nervous kow you're work is totally amazing !!
    Big hugs Susie xx

  15. What a beautiful creation. Nice colouring and beautiful details.

    hugs, Astrid.

  16. Brigitte, this is absolutely fantastic. You have incorporated so many stamps to make this scene card, it is beautiful. I will keep my fingers cross for you, best of luck.

  17. Ok Brigitte, now you've officially blown me way!!!

    I don't know where to begin, so perhaps I will start with saying; you have truly utilized every element you have learned. Your ability to mask and create a little story is uncanny.

    You have coloured everything to perfection and your imagination is limitless. I would be so surprised if you didn't make that DT because you present their images in the best form possible, and show how with a little imagination you can create a masterpiece.

    This is truly a treasure and a wonderful tribute to the things you like to do, and who you like to do them with!!!

    Bravo girlie, Bravo :)S

  18. Brigitte, cette carte est un merveilleux passeport pour un autre mandat, que je te souhaite de tout coeur, car ton travail est toujours spectaculaire, tu sais nous inspirer autant part ton magnifique coloriate que par ta mise en scene, et tous les petits détails qui font font que tes cartes portent toujours ta signature personelle. Ton interprétation de l'été me fait rêver... un bord de lac, la roulotte... c'est fameux.
    j'oubliais... ces petites tuiles d'argile sont de toutes beauté, je trouve ton idée GÉNIALE!!!
    Alors, bonne journée ma bonne amie! xox

  19. Oh Brigitte I love this. Such a clever card hunni. Love the reflection on the water. Seashells in the lake?? Come on - what happened to that artistic licence??? LOL I'm going back now to have another look 'cos I'm sure I missed bits!!
    hugs and good luck
    Dawn xx

  20. A fabulous card, beautifully coloured.
    Thank you for playing along at Tilda's Town Anything goes Challenge.
    Hugs Teresa :o)

  21. Oh Brigitte, what a stunning creation. You have created a beautiful scene, just so sweet. Love your colouring so much to look at. They would bw mad to turn you down. Fingers crossed for you. Carolxx

  22. Wow Love the whole scene! Looove all your Gorgeous colouring as well!

  23. Oh wow hun, this is awesome! So much amazing detail. Beautiful colouring. Good Luck hun with the DT call. oh and Thank you so much for joining us at A Creative Romance too. Jen xx

  24. Goodness beautiful card... Look at all the pretty details, love the images too!


  25. Wow! This is so gorgeous!! Love the whole scene and your little picture is great! Good luck with the TT DT call.

  26. Wow Brigitte I'm blown away by the amount of work you've put into this, awesome masking and colouring and outstanding attention to detail!
    Good luck with the DT call hun and thanks for being a wonderful teamie the past year it's been a pleasure working with you and would love to work with you again!
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  27. Oh wow Brigitte you've really put your heart and soul into this hunny it's stunning, everything is perfect and beautifully coloured.
    Thanks for entering our DT call at Totally Tilda and thank you for being such a lovely friend and teamie, good luck hun :)
    hugs Mandy xx


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte