
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Going Postal at Totally Tilda

Today's the beginning of the new challenge at Totally Tilda.  The theme is:
Going Postal
At first, I wanted to go for the crazy theme, but couldn't find any stamp that fit.  Tilda is just too sweet for this, lol!!!  So I went for the more regular interpretation.
I made this card for the commissionaire where I work.  He's the first person I see in the morning and always has a smile and nice word for me.  He's retiring  and I wanted him to know how much his positive attitude meant to me.
On commence le nouveau défi chez Totally Tilda.  Le thème est:
Aller postal
J'ai fait cette carte pour le commissionaire ou je travaille.  Il est la première personne que je vois le matin et est toujours souriant.  Il prend sa retraite et je voulais qu'il sache à quel point il fait une différence dans ma vie avec son attitude positive.
I didn't want the card to be too girly, after all, it's for a man!!!  I still had to add a few flowers and lace.  I added some LOTV tags which I hand wrote the sentiments and a little charm.
Je ne voulais pas que la carte soit trop féminine, après tout, c'est pour un homme!!!  J'ai quand même ajouté quelques fleurs et de la dentelle.  J'ai aussi mis des étiquettes de LOTV dont j'ai écris les sentiments et un petit charme.
I coloured Waiting Tilda with Copics on Neenah cardstock.  I think she is so cute with her freckles!
J'ai colorié Tilda avec mes Copics sur du carton Neenah.  Je la trouve adorable avec ses taches de rousseur.

Peau/Skin E13-11-00-000-E93, Cheveux/Hair E19-15-Y23-YR30, Robe/Dress E47-44-43-42-41-40, Dentelle/Lace V95-93-91.

Our sponsor/Notre commanditaire

For the challenge/Pour le défi:
Simon Says Challenge:  anything goes



  1. She is such a sweet Tilda Brigitte, lovely colouring, layering and I like your choice of papers too.
    Suzi x

  2. Gorgeous card Brigitte hunni. Love your awesome colouring.
    Dawn xx

  3. OH la la... Top la! pour le coloriage de cette petite Tilda, regarde moi les plis ma chère, c'est du style ca! Brigitte, tu m'épates toujours, mais cette fois, c'est encore ++++! Magnifique ta carte, très jolie. Je suis certaine que la petite tilda lui fera penser à toi, et à ton sourire; Tu as superbement réussi! Bon dimanche ma belle . xoxo

  4. I bet this is the sweetest card he ever received!!!!! Tilda is beyond precious and your design work is perfect! Love those cute little tags!

  5. Oh Brigitte, this looks so sentimental, a perfect card for "missing you". Gorgeous coloring and DP choice.

  6. fantastique cette carte, j'aime tout et ton coloriage par dessus tout

  7. So love what you have created Brigitte, everything is just perfect and so lovely. Carolxx

  8. I'll bet you a million to one that this will be the only beautiful handmade card he will receive Brigitte!
    What a beautiful and very thoughtful thing to do, not only because of the time that goes into it, but because you are recognizing him for what he means/meant to you.

    Of course it goes without saying that it's totally AWESOME. He will be overwhelmed to say the least.

  9. This is so sweet! Beautiful coloring! Thank you so much for playing along with us over at the Simon Says Stamp Challenge blog!

  10. I bet he loved it hun, gorgeous colouring, still need some lessons off you lol, love her pleats and cute freckles,
    hugs Liz xx

  11. Hi Brigitte what a sweet Tilda creation, clever use of these DPs for a male creation so well designed I'm sure the recipient will be pleased to receive it..gorgeous take on the TT chall theme.

    smiles mummy Tildarette xx

  12. Je la trouve jolie ta carte. La petite Tilda a l'air toute genee et timide et je trouve cela cute. J'aime bien tes coins et meme si c'est une petite fille et qu'il y a de la dentelle, c'est bien correcte pour un garcon.
    Bravo et je t'embrasse,
    Patricia xx

  13. Gorgeous! Love your coloring of Tilda, she's just perfect!


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte