
Monday, October 1, 2012

BTC&G 3rd Birthday

Welcome to By The Cute And Girly's 3rd Birthday blog hop celebration!

If you have came here from Carol's blog then you are on the right track, if not, you will want to start from the beginning at Lora's blog.
The design team have all been busy making something for to celebrate our 3rd birthday and we would love for you to visit us all to see what we made.
The blog hop rules are simple, all you have to do is visit each of the design team members blogs and leave a comment on each one, then finish up oat our challenge blog and leave a comment there to let us know you have finished the hop.
Your name will then be put in a draw to win one of the blog hop prizes.
If you also enter our challenge this month, you will also be put in the draw to win one of challenge prizes.  You have the whole month to enter and you can enter the challenge as much times as you like, as long as each entry is a different craft e.g.:  1 card, 1 scrap page, 1 altered item, 1 knitted item, etc...  And as always, you can enter with any craft you like, from paper craft to baking and everything in between.  If you made it yourself then you can enter it, it's as easy as that :)

The theme is "Birthdays" so it's a nice easy challenge and we have lots of prizes up for grabs from some great sponsors!  Please check out the challenge blog to see all the prizes we have to give away!

Each design team member is featuring a different sponsor today, so you will see images or other products from a different sponsor being used on each of the DT blogs.  We also have other sponsors on the challenge blog, so there really is lots of prizes to be won :)

C'est déjà le troisième anniversaire de By The Cute And Girly!!!!  
Si vous arrivez du blog de Carol, vous êtes sur le bon chemin.  Si vous voulez commencez du début, allez voir le blog de Lora.  Les règlements sont très simple, vous devez aller visiter tous les blogs des designers et laisser un commentaire à chacune.  Ensuite, vous allez sur le blog de By The Cute And Girly pour nous dire que vous avez terminé.  Vous pouvez aussi participer à notre défi du mois.  Cette fois-ci, le thème est:  Anniversaire!

The sponsor I'm featuring is Krista Smith de Saturated Canary.
Je suis contente de dire que ma commenditaires est Krista Smith de Saturated Canary!

I kept the card simple.  I wanted the image to take center stage.  I just added some gems, a little bit of lace and a handmade pin.
J'ai gardé la carte très simple.  Je voulais que l'image soit à l'avant plan.  J'ai ajouté des pierres, un peu de dentelle et une aiguille fait main.
I love Krista's images!!!!  This one is called Color Me Wonderful and she is truly wonderful!  I added the sentiment on computer when I printed the digi.  I coloured her with Copics, doesn't she have fantastic hair?!!!
J'adore les images de Krista!!!!  Celle-ci s'appelle Color Me Wonderful et elle est magnifique!  J'ai ajouté le sentiment avec mon ordinateur avant d'imprimer l'image digitale.  Je l'ai colorié avec mes Copics, ne trouvez vous pas que ses cheveux sont extraordinaire?!!!

Peau/Skin E33-11-00-000-BV000-R20, Cheveux/Hair E29-99-97-YR20, Yeux/Eyes B26-24-21/, Lèvres/Lips R89-85-83-81, Camisole/Tank top RV99-95-93-91, Jupe/Skirt N8-6-4-2.

The next stop is Kate's blog.
Remember to leave a comment on this post and on all the other design team members blog hop post for a chance to win one of the prizes.  Then leave a comment on the challenge blog post to let us know you are finished the hop and your name will go into the prize draw.
Le prochain arrêt est le blog de Kate.
N'oubliez pas de laisser un commentaire sur ce message et tous les autres messages des membres de l'équipe pour avoir une chance de gagner un des prix.  Et ensuite, laissez un commentaire sur le blog de défi pour nous faire savoir que vous avez terminé.

Here's a list of the blog hop order in case you loose your way.
Voici une liste des blogs.



  1. You colour these images so well Brigitte. She is gorgeous.
    crafty hugs,

  2. I love the way you have coloured the hair. Very effective, looks great.

  3. This is a real eyecatcher, Brigitte...what a gorgeous colouring of the hair! it...
    xxx Margreet

  4. Stunning card. Great image, love you're coloring.

  5. You have coloured her beautifully Brigitte! Her hair looks amazing!
    Hugs Lora x

  6. G-A-S-P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG, Brigitte, your coloring is AMAZING....PHENOMENAL!!!!! I absolutely adore the beautifully colored hair!!! I still have not had a chance to review Zoe's e-book...LOL!!!! This is outstanding work!

  7. Wow awesome card hun, I love the image and your colouring is beautiful, love her hair, the pin is gorgeous too,
    hugs Liz xx

  8. Allo toi,

    Je trouve ta carte tres belle surtout les cheveaux de la petite fille, tu les as tres bien reussis.
    Félicitations pour toutes tes cartes. Pat. xx

  9. Coucou
    alors tu sais déjà ce que je pense de ta carte! une vraie merveille, tellement réaliste qu'on dirait une photo! waouk waouh!!! je suis totalement fan!

  10. Stunning card. I LOVE the image and your colouring is amazing!!


  11. OMD... Brigitte, je suis sans mot devant ta carte. Mais quel chef d'oeuvre ! tu as su donner vie à cette petite, et ses cheveux semblent vraiment voler au vent. Quelle beauté! Un coloriage parfait. J,aime le distress autour du papier, et cette jolie épigle, détails parfait pour laisser la vedette à cette image splendide. Bravo.

  12. OMW!! what a stunning card lovely, your colouring is wonderful, her hair!! it's gorgeous.
    Love, Mel. xxx

  13. Stunning card as always! She looks great.
    Great colors and great details.
    I really like it.

  14. Stunning card - first time on your blog and it was a pleasure to look at all your lovely cards.

  15. Such gorgeous coloring on this image!! Love your layout on your card too!! Thanks for sharing! :)

  16. Lovely image and your colouring is great. It looks good making the image the main stay of the card. xxx

  17. Wow! What a beauty! A great card in lovely colours - and awesome colouring - looks gorgeous!
    Have a nice week!
    Hugs Kjersti:)

  18. Outstanding coloring on this image. Her hair is absolutely beautiful. Hugs, Gail

  19. Wow!! Your colouring is amazing! I love this image and the papers are perfect with it :)
    Fiona L x

  20. Wow your colouring of this is just superb! Wonderful work hugs Rebekah xx

  21. Great card. This picture is amazing.

  22. wow what simply stunning colouring beautiful card
    lindyloo x

  23. Oh my, this is so lovely! You did such a fabulous job coloring her in. I love the way you did her hair!! Just wonderful!
    <3 Emily L.

  24. Great coloring & shading especially on her hair!

  25. Love your sassy card Brigitte ....sweet colouring darling xx

  26. What a beautiful card. Your image colouring in perfect - that hair is stunning. cheers Linda

  27. Yes, what fantastic hair! Fun card and good design. I like the distressed edges.

  28. omg that hair is amazing!!!! love your colouring and such a perfect crafters stamp!

  29. A stunning card and I love the colours you have used. The image is coloured beautifully and I love how you have coloured her hair.

    Linda xxxx

    I am a new followers :)

  30. T carte est magnifique, j'adore la colorisation pour tes cheveux!!

  31. Brigitte, you have created a wonderful card here. The colouring of her hair is brilliant. It's certainly where I struggle. Congratulations on the 3rd birthday for the By the Cute and Girly Challenge Blog. Thank you for the blog hop. Off now to have a look at the creations from the rest of the Design Team. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  32. Fabulous colouring, beautiful card.

    Pam x

  33. Lovely image you have used for this pretty Birthday card. Your colouring is amazing, wow!
    greetings Dorte

  34. Just beautiful. Her hair is GORGEOUS! Very pretty card.

  35. HOLEY MOLEY, let me pick up my laptop. Your coloring of the girls hair just knocked me out!!! AMAZING!!!!

  36. What a small world, I'm joining in the blog hop but I'm already a follower of your gorgeous blog!! Your colouring is totally amazing, I absolutely love how you've coloured her hair, this is such a sweet card, I love it!! XOX Lucy

  37. wow your colouring is amazing - especially her hair - you were right to give her centre stage! x

  38. Beautiful coloring, you always amaze me!!


  39. Great colouring! My congratulations :)

  40. Your coloring is awesome. What a beautiful image and card.

  41. Love your gorgeous card, beautiful colouring.

  42. Beautiful card, and love your coloring :-)

  43. My goodness... your card is just amazing! You colored that SC image beautifully!!! Great job!
    Hugs, Denise

  44. Si si je trouve aussi que ses cheveux sont extraordinaires, mais c'est surtout ta colorisation qui est SPLEN-DIDE!!!! J'adore ta carte!!! Bisous,

  45. Your beautiful card only verifies how much I need to have more coloring lessons! That hair is amazing!

  46. This is so gorgeous, fabulous colouring.
    Thanks for a great blog hop.
    Wendy xx

  47. Wow, what a beautiful card. Your coloring is stunning !!!
    Have a lovely weekend !
    Hugs Berit

  48. Your card is absolutely gorgeous!


  49. I just added this feed to my bookmarks. I have to say, I very much enjoy reading your blogs. Thanks!

  50. Beautiful card! Your coloring is fabulous!

  51. Beautiful, I love her hair!!

  52. Lovely card, especially your colouring.

  53. Hello from a fellow Canadian! I absolutely love what you did with her hair! And all your distressing works so well with your beautiful image.
    {Hugs} Barb

  54. lovely card, i love her hair

  55. Gorgeous Saturated Canary card! You colored her hair beautifully!!!
    Happy Huggies ~

  56. Wow, everone's cards are just uber cute!

    Happy Birthday
    Jenn Zeeb

  57. Oh my this is so eye-catching.Fantastic colouring and super image.Love it.Hugs Debbie x

  58. Super card. Fabulous colours and great design xx

  59. Wow, your colouring is FAB, love it.


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte