
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Petite fée de Nöel/Christmas fairy

Je n'ai pas gardé ma résolution de faire une carte par jour.  J'ai été très déçu de ma journée au marché.  Je n'ai pas vendu trop de cartes et je ne sais plus ou les mettre, *rire*!!!
I didn't keep my resolution to make a card a day.  I was really disappointed about my day at the market.  I didn't sell too many cards and I don't know where to put them anymore, lol!!!
J'ai utilisé du papier à motif que j'ai depuis très longtemps.  Je le trouvais si jolie que je voulais le mettre en valeur.  Le carton et ruban sont de SU.  J'ai vieilli, encré et mis du Stickles sur les rebords.  J'ai appliqué des petites pierres sur les flocons et dans les deux coins.  J'ai vaporisé du Shimmer Spritz sur les deux paneaux pour les faire briller.
I used patterned paper I had for a long time.  I thought it was so pretty that I didn't want to hide it too much.  The cardstock and ribbon are SU.  I distressed, inked and put Stickles on the edges.  I put bling in two corners and on the snowflakes.  I sprayed Shimmer Spritz on the two panels to make them sparkle.  It's really shinny in real life!
J'ai colorié Tilda avec mes Copics et ajouté du Stickles et du Smooch Illuminate.
I coloured Tilda with Copics and added Stickles and Smooch Illuminate.

 Peau/Skin E11-00-000-R20, Cheveux/Hair E57-53-51-50, Robe/Dress R85-81-RV000, Étoile/Star YR24-Y15-11-000, Ailes/Wings W3-1-00.
Les fleurs et aiguille sont de WOC.  J'ai mis du Shimmer Spritz et du Flower Soft.  J'ai estampé des flocons sur le carton rose et je les ai embossés.The flowers and crown pin are from WOC.  I put Shimmer Spritz and Flower Soft on them.  I stamped snowflakes on the pink cardstock and embossed them.
J'ai aussi estampé des flocons sur les rebords du carton principal.
I also stamped snowflakes on the edge of the main cardstock.



  1. gorgeous card chickie ~ and great take on the sketch this week! i love that darlin image..and those flowers...are just scrumptious! beautifully done!

  2. Wow, how absolutely stunning!! What a beautiful image, so wonderfully colored! And I love your flowers and stick pin. Thanks for joining us this week at Sweet Sketch Wednesday.


  3. Hi Brigitte, your card is just stunning and this image of Tilda is so so cute. Beautifully coloured and I love your added embellishments. Great job and thanks for sharing your card with us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday and good luck.
    Kathie SSW-DT

  4. I love the distressing you have used on your card. Your papers are gorgeous. Your image is sooo sweet. Thanks for joining us. By the way, I know what you mean about having a million cards and not knowing where to put them. I really need to sell some of mine.:)
    Nancy SSW-DT

  5. Hi sweetie this is really stunning loving your choice of colours, thank you for joining us with Wild Orchid Crafts this time, huggles Pops x x x

  6. This is a beautiful vintage Tilda card and you have definately put a lot of work into this and it shows. I love the colour combo and embellishments you have chosen to enhance your image. Gorgeous - Thanks for sharing with us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday - Michelle DT x

  7. I can see why you didn't want to cover up this beautiful paper...all of your sparkle is it is even more beautiful irl! Loving the pin! So glad you could join us this week at Sweet Sketch Wednesday!

    Patti SSW/DT

  8. Brigitte this is gorgeous. I love that sweet paper and so glad it's not covered up :) The sparkle every one this is dreamy and I'll bet it's even more beautiful in real life. A stunning card and I'm so glad you chose to share it with us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday!
    Sharon, SSW-Dt

  9. An adorable little angel and I really like her glittery wings! Thanks so much for joining us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday.

    Peace & Luv,

  10. Beautiful card! The image & flowers are adorable. Thanks for joining us @ Sweet Sketch Wednesday :)

    Genevieve DT

  11. Your card is so gorgeous. I am loving the fabulous embellishments. Hugs Arlana@SSW!!!


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte