
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Petit ange 1/Little angel 1

Encore un message très rapide.   Il faut que je colore avec seulement un oeil ouvert!  Si mes cartes sont croches, ce n'est pas de ma faute, *rire*!!!
Another quick post.  I have to colour with one eye open!  If my cards are crooked, it's not my fault, lol!!!
Image Kraftin' Kimmie
Smooch Illuminate
Fleurs/Flowers:  Cricut & Art of Philosophy
Embossage/Embossing:  Victoria
Cheveux/Hair E18-19-08-02, Peau/Skin E11-00-000-R20, Bouche/Mouth R27-22-20, Robe/Dress YG63-61-G40, Blancs/Whites W3-1-00

Pour les défis suivants:  
Kraftin' Kimmie:  brilliant
Polka Doodle:  fleurs faites à la main
Stampin' for the Week-End:  couleurs d'automne
Winter Wonderland:  couleurs d'automne
Sketch Saturday:  croquis  

For the following challenges:  
Kraftin' Kimmie:  sparkle and shine
Polka Doodle:  handmade flowers
Winter Wonderland:  colours of autumn
Sketch Saturday:   sketch



  1. Oh wow this is so beautiful, love all the sparkle and that gorgeous image too! Wonderful job and excellent take on the sketch! Thanks for joining us this week at Sketch Saturday and Good luck! :D

    Hugz & TFS,
    xx Tracey/SS-DT xx

  2. Great to see your card at Polka Doodles! Thanks for joining us and good luck!

    Greetings, Saskia :)

  3. SO pretty! love that image.
    Thank you for joining in the fun at Sketch Saturday
    Jo xx

  4. Thank you for joining us at Sketch Saturday with your wonderfull creation, I love the little vintage feel that you have applied to your card. woww...
    Hugs Terry xxx

  5. What a gorgeous card. I love the glitter. Thanks for joining us at Polka Doodles.

  6. A lovely card, thanks for joining in the Polka Doodles challenge.

  7. Cute image and love the blingy flowers.
    Thanks for joining Polka Doodles handmade flower challenge and good luck.
    Fliss x


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte