
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"Vieille" cartes/ "Old" cards

Me voici encore!
J'ai fait certaines de ces cartes voilà un certain temps.  Je ne les avais jamais mis sur mon blog et elles vont parfaitement pour le défi de Christmas Cards All Year Round:  utiliser du matériel qui a au moins un an.
I'm back!!!
Here are some cards that I made a while ago.  I didn't put them on my blog yet, but they go perfectly with the challenge at Christmas Cards All Year Round:  use material that is at least a year old.
Je viens de terminer celle-ci.  Tout le matériel est de SU.  J'ai embossé le fond, mais ça ne parait pas sur la photo!
I just finished this one.  All materials is SU.  The Vintage Violet is a SU In Color from 2007!  I embossed the background, but it doesn't show on the picture.
Encore une fois, tout le matériel est de SU.  J'ai embossé l'image et ajouté du pastel pour faire le fond.
Again, all materials are SU.  I embossed the image and made the background with pastels.
Même chose ici, estampe, ruban et papier de SU.  Colorié avec de l'encre.  C'était avant que je découvre les Copics!!!
Same thing here, stamp, ribbon and cardstock from SU.  Coloured with SU ink.  That was before I found out about Copics!!!
Papier et ruban de SU.  Découpé avec ma Cricut et les cartouches Meow et Christmas Cheer.
Cardstock and ribbon from SU.  Cut the shapes with my Cricut and Meow and Christmas Cheer cartridges..
Papier, ruban et image de SU.  J'ai embossé le fond avec ma Cuttlebug et ajouté des Stickles.  J'ai soupoudré du Glitter Ritz sur l'image.
Cardstock, ribbon and stamp from SU.  I embossed the background with my Cuttlebug and added Stickles.  I put some Glitter Ritz on the image.

J'espère que je ne vous dérange pas avec ce retour au passé, *rire*!!!



  1. BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thanks for sharing!
    Hey, I have a giveaway here, please come join in the fun!

  2. 5 fab cards there. You must be doing well with your xmas card stash!Thanks for joining us @ CCAYR. x

  3. Very pretty cards! I love the first one and the second is so serene-there are all so good:)

  4. Adorable cards. Can't believe it's only a few months till Christmas.
    Thanks so much for joining us at CCAYR and we sure hope to see you back soon with another wonderful creation. "Hugs" Carol

  5. I see you managed to find some old stash for the CCAYR challenge after all, lol. All 5 cards done already, while I have only finished 1 so far, sigh. I particularly like the first one. Even without the embossing, this card is beautiful!

  6. Nice set you made there! I particularly like the cat in the stocking!


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte