
Friday, October 8, 2010

ATG gun in Canada

I just receive my order this morning from National hardware sale ltd and I ordered Monday night.  The customer service is amazing and the shipping couldn't have been faster!!!  I bought 1/4" and 1/2" tape as well as the red ATG gun and they called me to make sure that I already had the other gun(1/2") to go with it!  If you live in Canada, this is the place to get your tape and they have a sale going on right now.   They also deliver in the USA.   I was so excited that I took a picture of what I received:
I will have to paint the gun another color as well as my yellow one, but that's a project for another day.  I hope everybody has an amazing week-end.
  Happy Thanksgiving Canada (this Monday)

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I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte