
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Snowflakes and Rudolph at Totally Tilda and Friends

I don't know if you noticed but we change the name and rules for our challenge blog.  It will now be:
Totally Tilda and Friends Challenges
Yes, you can now use other images...  as long as they are rubber stamps!  So Edwin is in, as well as a lot of other favourites!  The challenge this fortnight is:
Snowflakes and/or Snowballs
Je ne sais pas si vous avez remarquer, mais nous avons changé le nom et les règles du blog de défi.  C'est maintenant:
Totally Tilda and Friends Challenges
Oui, vous pouvez maintenant utiliser d'autres images...  en autant qu'elles soient des estampes (pas de digitals).  Donc, Edwin est admis et aussi tous vos favoris!  Le défi est:
Flocons et/ou Balle de neige
I created a little scene with Show the Way Tilda, post and Rudolph.  I added the little LOTV sentiment and embossed it so it looks engraved in the wood.  I added snowflakes around the edges and lots of sparkles.
J'ai créé une petite scène avec Tilda, le signe de route et Rudolph.  J'ai ajouté un petit sentiment de LOTV que j'ai embossé pour qu'il est l'air d'être gravé dans le bois.  J'ai mis des flocons autour de rebords et beaucoup de brillants.

Peau/Skin E04-11-21-00-000-R20, Cheveux/Hair E47-44-42, Manteau/Coat B29-26-24-21-"20", Signe/Sign E18-15-13-11,  Blanc/White C5-3-1-00-CB, Rudolph E37-35-31-53-50-W7-5-3-1-R20-30-000-R29-24-22

Our sponsor/Notre commenditaire

For the following challenges:
Tilda Town:  Celebrate Christmas
Stamp and Create:  Winter in the snow
Marvelous Magnolia:  anything goes
Magnolia-licious:  anything goes
Magnolia Mania:  anything goes
Lovely Hanglar or sweet Magnolia:  Christmas
Without word:  Christmas modern look (I think that blue is soooo now!)
Simon Says:  Christmas/Holidays



  1. Totally adorable Brigitte ! Your colouring is fantastic ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  2. Brigitte this is a glorious scene!! The blues are so perfect for that outside feel...beautifully coloured and designed!!
    Take care,

  3. Beautiful card Brigitte, fabulous colouring and choice of stamps. Love it. Hugs Suzi x

  4. Absolutely GORGEOUS! Love your beautiful scene! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Stamp and Create! Good luck,
    Rene :D

  5. I love blue for Christmas, and this is just darling, Brigitte! That little fawn is so sweet! Thanks for playing along with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

  6. oh c'est trop mignon Brigitte, j'adore les couleurs et la petite scène

  7. me revoilà
    merci de participer à Marvelous magnolia :)

  8. Very pretty Christmas card, thanks so much for sharing it with us at Magnolialicious
    Hugs Julie P

  9. hello brigitte,
    sweet winter card, thankyou for joining us at the magnolia mania, greetings from sonja

  10. So pretty, thank you for playing along with us at TILDA'S TOWN this week & the very best of luck. Merry Christmas, love Jane x

  11. Stunning card, I love the beautiful scene that you have created, its so beautifully coloured!!! Just stunning! Thank you for sharing your creativity with us at magnolia mania and good luck with the draw! Cuddles Jay xxx

  12. Wow... absolutely awesome! I love xour CAS card! Colouring is gorgeous!!!
    Hugs, Barbara GR

  13. Fabulous card Brigitte, love your colouring and CAS style. Thank you for sharing with us over at Magnolia-licious Challenge. Good luck!
    Hugs Suzi

  14. What a beautiful winter card. I love the colors and all the beautiful details. Thank you so much for joining us at Tilda´s Town this week. Hope to see you again soon.
    Hugs Åsalill

  15. Awesome! Lovely scene & wonderful coloring. Thank you for joining us at Tilda's Town this week.
    Hugs, shien shien

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hi Brigitte,
    This is precious! Gorgeous coloring and scene you have created. Love the way Tilda points to the wood post, so sweet!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Katie

  18. This is so cute!! Thanks for joining us at Magnolia-licious and hope to see you there again next time!!

  19. J,étais partie sur la lune, alors j'ai raté ton message, et cette trop belle carte toute en bleu. j,adore cette Tilda, et la composition de ta scène. coloriée de facon extraordinaire, comme toujours! bisous.

  20. OMGosh this is one fabulous card love the colour palette, and the Magnolia stamps you've used,

    Thank you so much for joining us at Without Words this month we do hope that you will try to join us again for next months Challenge

    Hugs and kindest regards
    Bridget WWDT :) x


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte