
Monday, November 11, 2013

James, I love him so much!

Aujourd'hui, j'ai une carte juste parce que!  J'ai pris mon ourson préféré:  James!!!  Je suis complètement en amour avec lui (ne le dite surtout pas à mon mari).
Today, I have a card that I made just because.  I used my favorite bear:  James!  I'm in love with him (just don't tell my husband, lol).
Tous les papiers sont de Maja Design.   J'ai gardé la carte très simple, un ruban, de petites pierres et une belle découpe pour le sentiment de LOTV.
All the patterned papers are from Maja Design.  I kept the card very simple, I added a ribbon, some gems and a nice die cut for the LOTV sentiment.
J'ai colorié James de LOTV avec mes Copics.
I coloured James the Bear-Wrapped in tinsel with Copics.

Pour les défis suivants/For the following challenges:
Cute Card Thursday:  animal magic
The Ribbon Girl:  add sparkle
Boitatou:  sketch



  1. OH! comme il est mignon. tu as sorti James.. OH! OH! Sébastien prends garde! tu as de quoi être jaloux LOL tes papiers sont magnifiques Brigitte, et j,adore ton interprétation du sketch. De toute beauté! Bravo. et bisous. xox

  2. Oh he is adorable and what a fabulous card you've made with him.

  3. I totally understand why you love this little fella! He is so adorable and you make him look so soft and cuddly with your texture. He makes a really cute Christmas card, love the sparkle on the garland and gloss on the balls. Very nice girlie.
    Cheers :)Sandra xo

  4. C'est vrai qu'il est mignon ce petit ourson James de LOTV, moi aussi je l'aime bien sous toutes ses coutures. Les couleurs sont belles ainsi que les papiers. J'aime beaucoup la decoupe chaque cote du sentiment.
    Je te felicite et continue ton beau travail.
    Je t'embrasse,
    Patricia xx

  5. aaaahhhh j'adore ta carte et cet ours est superbement colorié.

  6. Hi Brigitte ...I love James the bear cute !! Love how he is wrapped in tinsel your furry colouring too :) x

  7. My favourite bear too ! you have coloured him so beautifully ..gorgeous card..Hugz Gayle xx

  8. Lovely card with the adorable james! Thanks for joining in the Lovely Lili Challenge to add sparkle! Mary x

  9. Oh he is LOVELY Brigitte!!! I know how hard it is to cut into and cover Maja paper...your holding back on lots of embellishment does justice to this lovely paper!!! Your James is so BEAUTIFULLY coloured...but then everything that you colour is perfect!!!

  10. wow the tinsel really sparkles - love your background and the way you put the ribbon through the swirls - its the little details like that which amaze me - your work is always so unique! Love it Brigitte!


  11. Gorgeous James the bear Brigitte. Love how you colored him, the little strokes of brush work are amazing!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Katie


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte