
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Devil Tilda at TotallyTilda

Today at Totally Tilda, we have a spooktacular challenge!!!  The theme is perfect for this month:
Spooky Halloween Tilda
Nous avons un nouveau défi chez Totally Tilda et il est parfait pour ce mois-ci:
Tilda Halloween
I really wanted to put some Goth make-up on little Miss Tilda, but she wouldn't let me, lol!!!!  I added some feathers and a creepy fence!  I dripped some ink on the ticket to make it look like blood.
Je voulais vraiment ajouté du maquillage Goth à Mademoiselle Tilda, mais elle ne m'a pas laissé faire, *rire*!!!  J'ai mis des plumes et une clôture épeurante.  J'ai fait tombé des gouttes d'encre sur le billet pour avoir l'air du sang.
I coloured Devil Tilda with Copics and added Frantage around the edges.
J'ai colorié Tilda avec mes Copics et ajouté du Frantage sur les rebords.

Peau/Skin E13-11-00-000-R20, Cheveux/Hair E29-25-50, Fourche/Fork E39-35-34-31, Robe/Dress R59-29-24-22-20, Noir/Black C9-7-5-3.

Our sponsor/Notre commanditaire
With this prize/Avec ce prix

For the challenge/Pour le défi
Color Me Creative:  Fallish/Halloween colours
Cute Card Thursday:  signs of distress



  1. Love your creation hun. She is a cutie for Halloween <3 Jen xxx

  2. So DEVILISHLY clever Brigitte!! Sooo very well done!!! I just love your always!

  3. Belle carte et j'aime beaucoup les papiers à motifs surtout celui avec les toiles d'araignées. La petite Tilda est mignonne même si elle un petit diable :).
    Félicitations et je t'embrasse,
    Patricia xx

  4. Brigitte, your devilish Tilda is really adorable. She can be a little mischievous sometimes :^); well, she's allowed because she's Tilda. I love how you colored her, really soft and mysterious. the fence and bloody ticket are fabulous addition.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Hugs, Katie

  5. oui, alors tu te doutes que cette carte me plait énormément! je l'adore !! avec une colorisation parfaite et des embellissements très bien assortis

  6. Brigitte your card is just adorable!! Tilda is awesome! Your colouring is perfect!
    Barbara GR

  7. Outstanding job, as always! Tilda is colored to perfection and I adore the cute fence and all the other details!

  8. Un chance que tu n,as pas mis de maquillage à tilda! je la comprends. Tout est parfait! J,adore ta carte, ce beau papier déchiré en fond, et le frantage autour de ton image, ces belles plumes, et surtout... la couleur rouge!!!!!!!! LOL. tu sais que j,adore le rouge. Magnifique, Brigitte, un coloriage de main de maitre. Bravo. xox

  9. Fabulous Halloween card, love the colours.

  10. Hi lovely,
    She looks cute, would love to have seen the Goth make up ;))
    Her red dress looks gorgeous, love your colouring!
    Wonderful card.
    Love, Mel. xxx

  11. Simply perfect Brigitte!
    I love your colouring of this Tilda, though I'm sure she's far too cute to be a little devil!
    Perfectly embellished and fab papers too.
    Love this ♥

    Big hugs
    Elaine xxx

  12. If it's possible for our cutie Tilda to be just a tiny bit sexy ....this is it !! Lol she's gorgeous and your card is amazing
    Hugs Susie x

  13. Your colour is fantastic! When I look at Tilda I keep thinking of all the little mischievous thoughts that could be running through her head all the while looking so sweet and innocent!
    Love the colours and of course your colouring, design, paper and embellies are over the top!
    Cheers girlie :)S xo

  14. Oh this one is great too :) love how you coloured up Tilda and the fence and bloody ticket are nice details :))

    Hugs, Sam

  15. Great card so gorgeous, love the colours too..


    Kindly check my new site for more digi's


  16. absolutely brilliant!!! I love it! she is sweet but mischievous at same time! perfect! love d xxxx


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte