
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Totally Tilda #62

Today is the start of the new challenge at Totally Tilda.  Since Christmas is coming soon, the challenge will last a little bit longer, you have till the 12 January!  We have a special theme this time:  make a calendar or calendar page.  Now, how much fun is this?!!!  
For myself, I decided to make a chest of drawer that I saw on Splitcoaststamper.  The only problem I had, I don't have the die cut to make all the little match boxes!  So I had to make them all by hand...  24 of them!  It would be perfect for an Advent calendar with the perfect number of drawers!
C'est le début du nouveau défi chez Totally Tilda.  Parce que Noël approche à grand pas, le défi va durer un peu plus longtemps, vous avez jusqu'au 12 janvier!  On a un thème spécial cette fois ci:  faites un calendrier ou une page de calendrier.  N'est-ce pas amusant?!!!
J'ai décidé de faire une petite commode que j'ai vu sur Splitcoaststamper.  Le seul problème, je n'ai pas le pochoir pour faire les petites boites d'allumettes!  Il y donc fallu que je les fasse à la main, une par une....  24 au total!!!  Ça serait un calendrier de l'Avant parfait avec le nombre parfait de tiroirs!

Our sponsor is:
Notre commenditaire est:

Watch out!  There's a lot of pictures!!!!
Faites attention, il y a beaucoup de photos!!!!
The completed chest of drawers.  I put Edwin and Tilda images, each side represent a season.  As you can see, I made an easel card that goes perfectly on top!  I added a little calendar that I found on the internet.
Because it wasn't complicated enough, I had to cut each screw for the knob as they were way too long for the drawers!
La commode complète.  J'ai mis des images de Tilda et Edwin, chaque côté représente une saison.  Vous pouvez voir sur le dessus, c'est une carte chevalet qui va parfaitement au dessus de la petite commode.
Parce que ce n'était pas déjà compliqué, il a fally que je coupe toutes les vis des poignées car elles étaient beaucoup trop longues!
The image with the crackled glass technique.  She's my favorite Tilda/L'image avec la technique de verre craquée.  C'est ma Tilda favorite!
Before destroying her, lol!!!/Avant de la détruire, *rire*!!! (Star Tilda)

Winter/Hiver (Santa's little Helper, Tilda with two small Gifts)

Summer/Été (Surfing Edwin, Swimming Tilda)

Spring/Printemps (Magnolia Tilda, Edwin with Butterfly)

Fall/Automne (Hiking Edwin, Scooter Tilda)

Star Tilda:  Peau/Skin E13-11-00-000-BV000-R20, Cheveux/Hair E47-44-42, Étoile/Star YR24-Y21-23, Baguette/Wand E39-33-31, Robe/Dress C3-1-00-CB, Passe/Hairband RV99-95-93-91
All the other ones:  Cheveux/Hair E29-57-53-50, Rose/Pink RV99-95-93-91, Vert/Green BG99-96-93-90,Blanc et noir/Black and white W9-7-5-3-1-00-CB, Or/Gold YR24-Y15-11.

I hope you liked my project!
J'espère que vous avez aimé mon projet!

For the challenge at Christmas Card All Year 'Round:  Santa,
Lovely Hanglar or sweet Magnolia:  Christmas (one side is just for Christmas),
Tilda Town:  freezing season (Winter side),
Simply Magnolia:  gift box (there's room for lots of little gifts!!!)
and Simon Says:  what's your favorite (Copics all the way, lol!!!).
Pour le défi de Christmas Card All Year 'Round:  Père Noël,
Lovely Hanglar or sweet Magnolia:  Noël (un côté est juste pour ceci),
Tilda Town:  la saison froide (le côté hiver),
Simply Magnolia:  boite cadeau (il y a de la place pour beaucoup de cadeaux)
et Simon Says:  qu'elle est votre favori (mes Copics naturellement!!!).



  1. Oh my God Brigitte, what a gorgeous chest of drawer! And what a work!! But it is sooo beautiful!

  2. Oh Brigitte, this is one adorable creation. Oh and a card to match, just fabulous. What an array of little secrets you could hide away in the drawers. Love it. Carolxx

  3. Oh my gawd!! It must have taken hours and hours to make this fabulous project! I adore it!! what a wonderful keepsake, your super clever lovely.
    Love,melly. xxx

  4. oh la voilà la merveille !!!!!!!!!! y a pas assez de mots pour décrire le sentiment que j'ai à regarder ton chef d'oeuvre c'est splendide !
    les couleurs, l'ensemble; le coloriage (t'as mis quoi sur la robe blanche ?)c'est tellement beau! j'adore regarder toutes les photos.
    ps merci de participer à tilda's town cette semaine

  5. This seriously blows my mind! WELL DONE!! I absolutely adore this project. You've really outdone yourself this time <3

  6. Wowzers! I love all the amazing details hun. So special! Jen xx

  7. Wow this is fabulous Briggette and now I'm seeing all sides I'm totally blown away, you've put your heart and soul into this, it must have taken you hours to make ...such dedication to Tilda !!
    I love darling
    Hugs Susie xx

  8. What a fab creation Brigitte, it's a masterpiece! Thanks for sharing it with us at Tilda's Town this week :)

    Hugs, Franz.

  9. Hoi Lovely Hanglar or Sweet Magnolia lover
    What A great card you have made Lovely colors and a sweet image! Thanks you for joining us at the Lovely Hanglar or Sweet Magnolia challenge blog hope to see you next time
    hugs Ria
    come and check out my blog and become a follower

  10. AWESOME cute creation Brigitte all the images & colouring must have taken you days to complete.. love all the little drawers for beautiful clever keepsake..

    smiles mummy Tildarette x

  11. Absolutely AMAZING! This is've left me speechless! Thank you SO much for sharing this incredible project with us at Tilda's Town!!! Good luck and I hope to see you back soon!
    Rene :D

  12. OMG...what a fantastic and adorable creation...all the colored images look so wonderful and the design is simply gorgeous :0)))

    Hugs Nicole

  13. Brigitte, your chest of drawers and card are absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful project you created. I am sure it will be loved for many, many years. Thank you for inspiring my day.

  14. Wow wow wow Brigitte, this is amazing so gorgeous, the detail is fab and the images are perfect, well done, hugs Liz xx

  15. Absolutely stunning Brigitte. It must have taken you ages to make this, but I am sure it's totally worth it. Love that you included Edwin :)

  16. Good heavens, Brigitte....I have to catch my breath!!!! WOW, WOW, WOW....what a MASTERPIECE you created! I have always drooled over those gorgeous calendar drawers, but had no idea how to start such a project! Yours is out of this world gorgeous...I can't believe you made all those drawers by hand...lordy, lordy!!!!! This is definitely a labor of love and such a treasure!
    How clever to depict all the are not only talented, but brilliant!!!

  17. OMG This looks absolutely brilliant!!! I just love everything on it. Thanks so much for joining us at Simply Magnolia. Good luck. Hugs, Nicole

  18. WOW, WOW, WOW Brigitte you have excelled yourself here, it is just stunning, what a lot of work went into this. Just stunning.
    Suzie xx

  19. What an amazing creation Brigitte! Love it!!
    Have a nice week!
    hugs Kjersti:)

  20. This is soooooo beautiful, I love the colors, amazing work you do, all the little drawers, it really is a work of art!
    Barbi & kitties

  21. Salut Brigitte,
    Elle est écoeurante ta petite commode, c'est vraiment trop beau. Y en a du travail dans tout ça, ayoye. Tu vas toujours m'épatter avec tes chefs d'oeuvres. Bravo encore !!!
    D'une fille dont tu es l'idole côté cartes...
    Patricia xx

  22. Yup! Just when you think you've seen it all, here come Brigitte knocking your socks off!!!!!

    Holly doodle dandy girlfriend, I am beside myself in awe.

    You have displayed your true talent with this beauty...fantastic work!

  23. This drawerbox is still on my to-do list, but I'm sure mine would never be as gorgeous as this one. I love the colouring and designer papers!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing at Simply Magnolia!

    XX Inge

  24. Oh Brigitte it`s soooo beautiful!!!
    I love your colouring and colors you used. The details are fabulous.
    I love it!
    Hugs, Barbara GR

  25. Hi Brigette
    This is beautiful and amazing!
    I Wish you and your family a wonderful and blessed Christmas time.
    Hugs Chris x

  26. OMGGGGGG this is REALLY REALLY clever girl xx
    hope you have a lovely xmas hen xx

  27. Wow wow wow I mean really WOW, this is stunning, I can only imagine how much work went into this, you are brilliant! And yes it's painful without a Michael's near, thankfully there is one in Wpg and I try to get there at least once every two to three weeks, but in the meantime I'm lost!

  28. Wow, this is very special! Thanks for sharing your favorite with us at the Simon Says Stamp challenge this week!

  29. OMG Brigitte, what a labour of love this exquisite set of drawers is, your colouring is perfect and that alone must have taken you ages not to mention the awesome detail you've given to the rest of this amazing project - you've inspired me to get back to doing some 3D work!
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  30. Beautiful project and so much work!!

    ** Kate **

  31. A M A Z I N G !!
    Thanks for playing with us at Tilda's Town this week!!
    Hugs, Tina

  32. OH!!!!!!! Wow... j'ai eu la chance de voir le work in progress de cette petite commode, puis de la voir toute faite! mais skype ne rend pas justice, et grace à ces photos je peux admirer de près tous les détails, tout le travail et les images coloriées magnifiquement. et que dire des jolies poignées, des perles! Brigitte c'est une oeuvre que tu as réalisée, toutes mes félicitations! bisous.

  33. Oh my, thought I had already stopped by to tell you what a spectacular creation this is! You do such amazing, beautiful work!!

  34. Hi This is so precious ! Can see all the hard work but so perfect in the end ! I adore the stamps you have chosen and your colouring has inspired me so much this year ! I wanted to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas & A very Happy new Year ;0) x

  35. Wow, this is so amazing! What a work of art!

  36. Ok ben la la...tu m'épates royalement!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!! Que c'est magnifique!!! Des doigts de fées ma belle!!!!

    Tammy at Créations LaDiva :) xx

    En passant, j'ai un blog Candy sur mo côté, tu es la bienvenue!! xox A bientôt!!!

  37. Wow Brigitte, what a talent you are. This is so gorgeous, I love the many pictures you took so we can see all the beautiful maggies and details you've created.
    Stunning creation!


    Lins x


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte