
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fifty shades

Aujourd'hui, j'ai une carte de fête pour une amie.  Elle adore le livre Fifty shades of Grey et quand j'ai vu l'image de Krista Smith chez Saturated Canary, je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de l'acheter!!!
Today I have a card for one of my friend's birthday.  She loves the book Fifty shades of Grey and when I saw the image by Krista Smith from Saturated Canary, I had to buy it!!!
La carte était presque fini avant que je parte pour nos vacances, mais je voulais colorier le ruban avec mes Copics et je les avais empaquetés!!!  J'ai finalement ajouté quelques perles de plastique et une fleur de WOC que j'ai colorié au compresseur à air.
I had the card almost finished before I went on vacation, but I wanted to colour the ribbon with my Copics and they were packed!!!  I finally added dew drops and a WOC flower that I coloured with my airbrush and Copics.
J'ai colorié Grey Tie avec mes Copics sur du carton Neenah.  J'ai ajouté du Smooch Illuminate sur la cravate.
I coloured Grey Tie with Copics on Neenah cardstock.  I added Smooch Illuminate on the tie.

Peau/Skin E33-11-00-000-BV000-R30, Cheveux/Hair E29-25-50, Cravate/Tie C5-3-1, Yeux/Eyes B26-21, Bikini R29-22-20, Lèvres/Lips R22-20.

Pour le défi de Stampin' for the Weekend:  monochromatique.
For the challenge at Stampin' for the Weekend:  monochromatic.



  1. Hi lovely,
    funny I've just finished colouring this image :)
    Your colouring is so fabulous!!
    Wonderful card.
    Love,melly. xxx

  2. Hello,
    elle est très sympa cette carte. Le coloriage est très réussi.

  3. waouh !!! fabuleuse, !!! rouge évidemment ... je ne popuvait pas dire autrement lol!
    et le coloriage est fantastique!

  4. Ohhhhhhh, I am such a huge fan of Saturated Canary and your is OUTSTANDING....colored to PERFECTION!
    Love, love the gorgeous hair!!!!
    You showcased her beautifully and your friend will be thrilled!!!!

  5. Beautiful Brigitte! As always, the coloring is perfect :) I hope all is well and you are avoiding the humidity that seems to be nailing us :)


  6. Splendide! Quelle colorisation! Et j'adore le layout! Je pense que ton amie sera super contente, et elle a bien de la chance! Bisous,

  7. Hey Girlie,well you have officially blown me away with your colouring! If anyone can do Saturated Canary BIG hair, it is you girl. Your colouring just seems to get better and better all the time. I am not quite sure what the message the image is attempting to give, with the bondage thing and all, but I guess only Krista would know that. Does it really have something to do with that book?
    Either way, you did a fantastic job :)S

  8. Fantastic card. I am sure that your friend will love it.
    Thanks for joining us this time at Stampin for the weekend.


  9. Hi ya Teamie (sounds good saying that :D). Love your card and so will your friend, your colouring is fantastic Brigitte! Hugs, Chris x

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hope you can forgive me for my previous comment Brigitte, so sorry that I gave the wrong impression! I have two Brigitte's that I'm following, I wrote incorrectly. I feel bad now but your card is still amazing and your friend is definitely going to adore it. There are gremlins in the works today! Hugs, Chris x

  12. Les cheveux sont SUPERBES! Je sais pas comment tu arrives à faire ça! Je suis jalouse!

  13. TOUT EST SUPERBE!!!!! OMG... ton coloriage est out of this world! je ne connaissais pas ce livre; la cravate! quel beau clin d'oeil. ton amie sera surement très contente. j'aime beaucoup les accessoires, cette bande de film, et la jolie petite épingle. MAGNIFIQUE Brigitte. de toute beauté.


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte