
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Symphonie en bleu/Harmony in blue

Bonne fin de semaine!
C'est la fête de mon neveu et j'ai bien hâte de savoir s'il a aimé le cadeau que nous lui avons envoyé!  Il a 3 ans et je m'ennuie beaucoup, nous le voyons à peu près 2 fois par année :(
Good week-end to all of you!
It's my nephew's birthday and I can't wait to know if he liked the gift we send him!  He's three and I miss him a lot, we only see him twice a year :(
J'ai utilisé du papier, ruban et estampe de fond de SU.  J'ai mis du Stickles sur les rebords et embossé les flocons d'arrière-plan.
I used SU patterend paper, ribbon and background stamp.  I put Stickles on the edges and embossed the background snowflakes.
J'ai colorié l'adorable Tilda avec mes Copics.  J'ai ajouté du Smooch Illuminate sur sa robe et du Crystal Effects sur la vitre de la lanterne.  J'ai dessiné les arbres et la neige, je ne suis vraiment pas une experte dans ce domaine, *rire*!!!
I coloured Winter Tilda with Copics.  I added Smooch Illuminate on her dress and Crystal Effects on the glass of the lantern.  I put some liquid appliqué on her pom-pom.  I drew the trees and snow, it's really not my strong suite, lol!!!

Sapin/Tree BG75-72-70, Manteau/Coat B39-37-34-32, Peau/Skin E11-00-000-R20, Lumière/Light YR15-Y13-11, Souliers/Shoes E29-25-23-31, Cheveux/Hair E57-53-51-50, Blancs/whites W3-1-00.
J'ai embossé le sentiment de SU et ajouté un charme.
I embossed SU sentiment and added a charm.

Pour les défis suivants:  
Chrismtas Card Challenge:  liquid appliqué
Cute Card Thursday:  feu d'artifice
Just Magnolia:  n'importe quoi
Christmas Stampin' All Year Long:  croquis favori
Winter Wonderland:  faire briller notre carte
Die cut Dreams:  charme
Crafter's Companion:  neige
Magnolia-licious Highlites:  2 photos d'inspiration
Stampin' for the Week-End:   croquis

For the following challenges:  
Chrismtas Card Challenge:  liquid appliqué
Cute Card Thursday:  fireworks
Just Magnolia:  anything goes
Christmas Stampin' All Year Long:  favorite sketch (I don't have one, I keep changing.  For this week, I think this one is adorable!)
Winter Wonderland: Make your card sparkle
Die cut Dreams:  so charming
Crafter's Companion:  Let it snow
Magnolia-licious Highlites:  2 inspiration pictures
Stampin' for the Week-end:   sketch



  1. Beautiful colouring. Thank you for playing at Die Cut Dreams.

    hugs Ali x

  2. This is goreous Brigitte I am sure your nephew will love it. The background is great.
    Margaret M

  3. Your coloring on this is stunning! Thanks for joining our challenge this week at Christmas Stampin' All Year Long!

  4. Fabulous card and colouring... love that snowflake charm too.

    Thanks for joining in the challenge over at Die Cut Dreams... and good luck!

    Christine x

  5. wow a gorgeous sparkly creation thank you so much for sharing your lovely work with us at the Winter Wonderland
    Hugs Kate xx
    PS I have some new candy if you are interested :)

  6. gorgeous card, such a sweet image!
    Many thanks for joining in the Cute Card Thursday Challenge this week!
    have a great day, Debxx

  7. This is such a beautiful card. Tilda is sweet as ever and I love your coloring. This card has great "old" look, it seems very vintage in a way.Love that.
    Thanks for joining us at SFTW.

  8. This is fab love the image and background. Fab take on the sketch thanks for playing at SFTW hugs Rebekah xx

  9. So cute! Thanks for joining us at Winter Wonderland this week for our 'Sparkle' challenge!
    Hugs, Danielle

  10. This is beautiful & you did a great job with the sketch :)
    Thanks for joining us at SFTW & good luck!

  11. Such a sweet card! I love it!
    Thanks for joining the Just Magnolia and Hanglar Stanglar Challenge this week!
    Hugs, Dena

  12. Hi

    Gorgeous card!! I think your trees and snow look perfect!

    I found your blog through Colour Me Creative Classroom.

    Michelle :o)


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte