
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Papa et moi/Me & Daddy

Ce soir, j'ai une carte de Nöel masculine.  Je la trouve plutôt réussie et j'ai utilisé une de mes nouvelles estampes de Lili of the Valley.
Tonight, I have a masculine Christmas card.  I think it's not too shabby.  I used one of my new Lili of the Valley stamp.

Le papier et ruban sont de SU.  J'ai découpé le demi cercle avec un pochoir de Cheery Lynn Design et  appliqué les petites pierres avec mon I-Rock.
The cardstock and ribbon are SU.  I used a Cheery Lynn Design die cut for the half circle and I put the bling with my I-Rock.

J'ai colorié l'image Collecting the Tree (choisir le sapin) avec mes Copics.  J'ai ajouté du Stickles et du Glitter Ritz.  Je trouve cette image si mignonne, le petit ourson semble si bien dans les bras de son papa!
I coloured the image Collecting the Tree with Copics and added Stickles and Glitter Ritz.  I think it's so cute, little bear seems so comfy in his daddy's arm.

Sapin/Tree YG99-97-95-91-E27-23-31, Foulards/Scarves Yg67-63-61-G20-R29-24-22, Oursons/Bears W3-1-00-R20, Arrière-plan/Background YR20-B93-W3-1-0.

C'est une carte chevalet.  Le sentiment est de SU.
It's an easel card.  The sentiment is SU.

Pour les défis suivants:  
Winter Wonderland:  de si loin
One Stop Craft Challenge:  carte chevalet
The Ribbon Girl:  brun et vert
Cute Card Thursday:  croquis

For the following challenges:  
Winter Wonderland:  across the miles (since I'm military and living away from family, I will send it to one of my uncles or my father or brother, you get the point lol!!!)
The Ribbon Girl:  browns and greens



  1. Your card is perfect Brigitte! Such a beautiful image and I love the distressed edges and sparkle! Really love that sentiment too ... thanks for joining in our challenge at Winter Wonderland this week!
    Hugs, Danielle

  2. gorgeous across the miles xmas creation, thank you so much for sharing with us at the Winter Wonderland this week
    Hugs Kate xx

  3. this is just beautiful what a sweet sentiment and so love those cute bears!
    Many thanks for joining in the Cute Card Thursday Challenge this week!
    Hope you are having a great weekend,
    happy crafting, Debxx

  4. This is such a sweet image, and a beautiful sentiment.

    Thanks for joining our easel challenge at One Stop Craft this week.

    Annette xx
    (ps I have candy on my blog if you want to enter!)

  5. Beautiful card Brigitte, the image is lovely and your card is just perfect. Thanks for joining in with the Ribbon Girl challenge. Mary G x


I love to read your comments, it just makes my day!!! Merci de prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire. Hugs, Brigitte